Monthly Archives: June 2020

In Memory of William Dennis Hunt

Enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 9, “The Man in Spectacles,” (Episode 3), featuring William Dennis Hunt as Professor De Worms. In this scene he trains Gabriel Syme to use his finger-tapping cypher to exchange secret messages. Of course, in an audio play there is no way to use text or subtitles to read for the audience what messages are being exchanged… (more…)

The Earth in Anarchy – Excerpt from Chapter 12

“Oh, this is all raving nonsense!” he cried. “If you really think that ordinary people in ordinary houses are anarchists, you must be madder than an anarchist yourself.” Enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 12, “The Earth in Anarchy.” Chesterton tells the tale of a town seemingly rising up against what is good and right in the name of anarchy. You’ll… (more…)


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