Category Archives: Adapting the Book

In Memory of William Dennis Hunt

Enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 9, “The Man in Spectacles,” (Episode 3), featuring William Dennis Hunt as Professor De Worms. In this scene he trains Gabriel Syme to use his finger-tapping cypher to exchange secret messages. Of course, in an audio play there is no way to use text or subtitles to read for the audience what messages are being exchanged… (more…)

Fearing the Marquis de St. Eustache

By now if you’ve been following the project, you may have noticed that the part of the French Marquis is played by a woman– the inimitable Lisa Wolpe.  Among many things, Lisa is the artistic director of the Los Angeles Women’s Shakespeare Company, and has made her mark locally by playing some of Shakespeare’s most powerful men as if she were… (more…)

Ascending the House of Reason

Last week we recorded scenes with Dr. Bull, played by Stephen Alan Carver.  Now it is Gabriel and Professor de Worms who must confront him.  Something Martin Gardner pointed out in his introduction to his edition of the book, The Annotated Thursday, was that each of the anarchists on the Council of Days, the seven supposed worst men in the… (more…)

The Great Unconscious Gravity of a Girl

There I saw Rosamond, Gregory’s sister with the goldred hair, cutting lilac before breakfast, laughing with the great unconscious gravity of a girl. Rosamond is mentioned twice in The Man Who Was Thursday book.  Once, right after Gabriel’s first debate with Lucien Gregory “the real anarchist” as he’s known.  She catches his eye, and later asks him his advice on… (more…)


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